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CyberSecLabs – “Red” Walkthrough

Red is a beginner level box from CyberSecLabs hosting a webserver using a service known as Redis. I’ll show you the Metasploit route to get a shell, and then a manual method to get a shell. After we’ve established our foothold on the box, we’ll enumerate the file system where we’ll exploit a interesting file…

CyberSecLabs – “Imposter” Walkthrough

Imposter from CyberSecLabs is a beginner level Windows box hosting a Wing FTP server. After gaining access to the web admin console, we’ll get a reverse shell as a low privileged user and find a interesting way to escalate our privileges using a module in Meterpreter. Imposter’s IP address is Let’s get started. Scanning…

CyberSecLabs – “Simple” Walkthrough

Simple from CyberSecLabs is a beginner Linux box hosting a CMS Made Simple website. We’ll gain access to the target through a SQLi attack to find creds and then get a reverse shell through the admin web console. Finally we’ll use a binary with the SUID bit set to escalate our privileges to root. Let’s…

CyberSecLabs “Outdated” Walkthrough

Outdated is a beginner level box from CyberSecLabs hosting an NFS share and an outdated version of FTP. After using built-in ProFTP commands to copy files we’ll get our first shell. From there we enumerate the kernel and find an exploit. Outdated’s IP Address is Fire up the VPN, let’s get started. Scanning and…

CyberSecLabs – “CMS” Walkthrough

CMS from CyberSecLabs is a beginner level box hosting a WordPress installation. Using a file inclusion vulnerability we’ll gain access to the target, and exploit weak sudo permissions to escalate to root. Let’s get started. The IP Address for CMS is Scanning and Enumeration As always we run our Nmap scan against the target…